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Opening Ceremony Matera 2019

Year after year, day after day, the materani have built the future, together. The 2019 it's here, around the corner and just waiting to be lived in full!

Saturday 19 January 2019 there will be the inauguration of Matera European Capital of Culture 2019.

Basilicata counts 313 common, most of which has its own marching band. The opening ceremony Matera European Capital of Culture in 2019 recover this great Southern musical tradition, giving life to the streets of Matera in an extraordinary festival of country of unprecedented dimensions in which the whole city will resound with music and light.

From the morning the bands from across the region and from Europe will liven up the city, arriving on foot with their instruments. Converge through the main guiding roadway from north, South, is e ovest, from Murgia and even going up along the Gravina.

They will be more than two thousand musicians will cross city ​​districts (White Plugs, Serra Friday, La Martella, Serra Rifusa) and will reach the districts welcomed by fittings that citizens with the students of the schools have made ad hoc. Followed by an intense moment of exchange and relationship: a convivial lunch organized for each square and animated by neighborhood families, children, citizens.

When the sun finally converge on the orchestra Sassi, each playing its own repertoire, until every alley of the Sasso Barisano and Sasso Caveoso will not be saturated with notes. The ancient city will resound with fragments of songs and music clips disconnected, with a real jam session. The glisten Sassi candlelight, with light elements prepared by the citizens through the Social Light project.

Thanks to the partnership with RAI, all ore 19:00 will start the live broadcast, presented by the great actor Gigi Proietti, that will follow all the musical concert coordinated by a Master exceptional; all ore 20:00, TG1 broadcast the opening words of the event entrusted to President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella. The concert continues with the performance of known artists at national and international level who will perform in different squares of the city, the ceremony spreading like wildfire on every street, alley, plaza and courtyard.

The opening ceremony will not run out in just the municipal boundaries of Matera and not end on 19 January, but it will resonate in a different scale in the entire region of Basilicata: the day after the inauguration, 20 January, Lucan each band will host in its common foreign band with which to animate along the center of the country, through a street concert.

01_Open Sounds

Cava del Sole – Pm 9:00 opening of all areas of the Cava del Sole.

All citizens are invited to the inauguration of the Cava del Sole with music and hymns from all over Europe. Following the presentation of the official program and the opening of the new multipurpose space.

02_Open City Rioni

Pm 13:00 musicians enliven Matera and are welcomed by the citizens in the districts of the city into a great convivial. The city is home: the whole city welcomes bands and opens the doors of homes, schools, parishes, association headquarters.

Here are the districts with the respective points of contact at which the band will begin their path:
• Ward La Martella (School plexus Semeria La Martella);
• Rione Serra Rifusa (Local Mary Mother of the Church);
• Villa Long (Association headquarters Elderly United of Matera);
• San Pardo (Guiness Pub);
• Piccianello (Marconi Elementary School);
• White Plugs (Local parish S. Pio X);
• Serra Friday (Via Pascoli School plexus Nitti);
• The Black (The Black Elementary School);
• Cappuccini (caritas)
• Agna-Lepiane (Casino Padula);
• St. James (Piazza degli Olmi school);
• Aquarium.

03_Open Lights

Sasso Barisano, Caveoso and Piazza del Duomo Starting at 16:30

As the sun Sasso Barisano, like a meteor, shines with thousands of candles; Piazza Duomo echo the voices of two polyphonic choirs; Caveoso in technological units of lumens / Social Light counterpoint.

04_ Open Show

Starting at San Pietro Caveoso 19:00 – 19:55

The bands perform coordinated by a master conductor exceptional. During direct Rai, on stage alternate national and international guests.

05_Open Future

Via Ridola- Via del Corso – Piazza Vittorio Veneto – Piazza San Pietro Caveoso Starting at 20:00 all 24:00

The show is propagated from the Sassi in the alleys, in the streets, in heaven and on premises, with performances by national and international artists. The great goalkeeping by 2019 musicians parading through the streets of the city: from Via Ridola, Via Del Corso, to Piazza Vittorio Veneto, and to all clubs in the city.

For more information on the ceremony of opening of Matera 2019

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