Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 March 2015 return the days FAI (Italian Environment Fund) Spring now in their 23° Edition.
They will be open Exceptionally churches, city, old buildings, whole archaeological areas, archives and many other attractions. A great opportunity to learn about the places normally closed to the public and to rediscover the beauty and magnificence of great heritage Italian artistic and cultural.
It will be a big party for all Italians and the opportunity to increase sense of belonging one community.
There will be over 780 open places exceptionally, 15 these are the Basilicata located between the towns of Ferrandina, Grottole, Pomarico, Venosa, Brienza, Tricarico Matera.
In the city you can visit the Sassi Cathedral now closed for nearly 10 years, the Marian shrines Sasso Barisano and Sasso Caveoso, the Tramontano Castle, Palazzo Lanfranchi and the exhibition triumphal Madonna della Bruna at the former hospital of San Rocco.
The visits to these sites will be possible thanks to boys elementary school, middle and high Matera, also called to be part of this initiative within the project "Make Days of Spring".