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It consists of an architectural work hundreds of cartons stacked create excitement and sense of belonging? A Matera! Matera is a land of contradictions, but also a place capable to exploit every resource that has. So an event that the eye of some may seem trivial, It becomes a source of aggregation and inspiration for communities Matera. After all we have learned from our ancestors that, Sassi, where he reigned poverty and misery, They have learned to take advantage of all that nature offered or what little is possessed, sharing and exchanging with the nearby harvest of the day. And where also a toy made of cardboard, or a bottle cap found on land became a source of joy and entertainment for children. So, today as an hour, They were pieces of cardboard to act as a magnet for hundreds of families saw the streets to share together this historic moment and extraordinary that the city of Matera is about to experience.


Matera, 19 January ore 19.19 sharp, Minus One is officially took. Minus one is a great community festival, exactly one year after opening ceremony of Matera 2019, It started the countdown to the year as European Capital of Culture. All Matera community has collaborated in the construction of an enormous cardboard architecture, conceived by the visual Olivier Grossetête.

A monument erected to sharing and participation by the citizens themselves, of each gender and age. ephemeral architecture, realized without machinery, but only when the participants, invited to assemble cardboard boxes. A performance europea highly symbolic project for Matera 2019 and for the city of Matera, which it has similarities with the tradition of the Festa della Bruna. Indeed, the structure, after taking life thanks to the cooperation of citizens, It was destroyed in a unified manner to allow recovery of the materials to be allocated to recycling.

This event marks the beginning of the countdown, in fact (about) every 19 of the month between now and 2019 They will take place events related to the file Matera 2019.

For more information about the event #menouno of Matera 2019

The Matera Living Nativity 2019-2020

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The Living Nativity Sassi has become over the years the event flower ...

Festa della Bruna 2019

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Links Matera Bari Palese Airport

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Opening ceremony Matera 2019

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