Thursday 2 July "Festa” of Mary. Bruna
ore 5.00
St. Francis of Assisi
Celebration of Holy Mass
At the end: Diana with throwing bombs from Murgia Timone
ore 6.15
"Shepherds' Procession” with the picture of Mary. Bruna, accompanied by low-Music city of Molfetta and Concert Band City of Matera with the following route:
Via San Francesco, Via Ridola, Vico New Homes (Prayer Stop), Via E. Duni, Via Lucana, (pause for prayer), Via Ridola, Via Casalnuovo, via B. Buozzi, Piazza S. Pietro Caveoso (Prayer Stop), Via Madonna of the Virtues, Via S. Antonio Abate, Via D’Addozio (St. Augustine Church – stop praying), Via Pentasuglia, Via T. Rate, Via Kittens, Via Cererie (pause for prayer), Piazza Marconi, Via Marconi (Madonnina, pause for prayer), Via Annunziatella, Via XX Settembre
ore 9.00
Church of San Francesco da Paola . Celebration of Holy Mass.
ore 10.00 Arrival at St. Francis of Assisi Church
ore 8.15
Q8 petrol station – Via Nazionale
gathering 1° troop of knights to take the General
ore 8.30-13.00
Tour through the city streets
Musical Concert Big Wind Orchestra City of Grottole (MT) Director Filippo Carretta
ore 9.00
Palazzo Lanfranchi
Dressing-General of the Knights
Angelo Raffaele Tataranni
ore 10.20
Piazza Vittorio Veneto
Procession of the Knights and the General Palazzo Lanfranchi in Piazza Vittorio Veneto where the General assumes command of Cavalvata