The cellars of "Deck” date back to 1600. Inside the restaurant there are two, both in correspondence of the two inputs. The largest spread for about 65 m of length, with a drop of 25 m from street level.
The structure of the restaurant "The Deck", as well as most of the houses in the Sassi, are fully hand-hewn in a particular rock that is present only in Matera and nearby Puglia: tuff. The shape and the presence of tuff guarantee to this winery a freshness throughout the year with temperatures ranging between 16°C e i 18°C. This temperature is ideal for storing wine.
As is clearly visible from the upper floors of the hotel restaurant it is composed of the living rock and infill blocks of tufa. The latter were not purchased from outside, but it was obtained from the results of the same material cave during the excavations. So all the tuff excess was not thrown, but was re-used to reinforce the structure by the construction of large arches or to realize the input and of the grinding elements.
Even the orientation and tilt of the excavation was not random, in fact this was studied in such a way that make the most of the action of the sun. The cellar of this restaurant is oriented to the east at an angle to allow in winter, when the sun is lower, to reach even the local more in depth so as to heat them, e in estate, when the sun is higher, to penetrate only near the entrance, leaving the most humid and fresh local depth.